EntireHR has a feature to assist in calculating worked hours for shifts that fall over the start/end of Daylight savings. The feature works to add/deduct time in break minutes depending on if it is the start or end of Daylight savings.
Start of Daylight Savings
At the beginning of Daylight savings, the time is moved forward by 1-hour at 2.00 am. This results in 1-hour of time being "lost" during the changeover.
For the first few days, we may feel the missing hour in the mornings, however, we gain extra daylight hours :)
Due to the time being moved forward, any shifts that are worked over this threshold should have an hour deducted from the total hours worked. If there is no change in total hours Members will be paid for an extra hour that they technically didn't work.
End of Daylight Savings
At the end of daylight savings, the clocks are wound back 1-hour at 2.00 am. This results in 1- hour being 'gained' during the changeover.
Most of us think of this as a bonus "sleep in" :)
Due to the time being moved backward, any shifts that are worked over this threshold should have an hour added from the total hours worked. If there is no change in total hours Members will be short paid by 1-hour.
The basic system concept of daylight savings is:
Clocks move forward 1 hour = An additional 60 minute (+60) break is applied to shifts
Clocks move backward 1 hour = A negative 60 minute (-60) break is applied to shifts. This works as a double negative to apply an addition 60 minutes to a shift worked.
To correctly manage daylight savings the fields within EntireHR must be updated twice a year. Once at the start of daylight savings and then again prior to the end of daylight savings.
These settings can be accessed from the finance portal under: Tools > Application Options > Expand Global > Daylight Savings.
State - the states in this column are displayed as per the default country set in the system.
Applicable Date - is the date on which Daylight Saving will get activated. This needs to be set up in the system twice every year. Once when Day Light Saving starts and then when it ends.
Applicable time - is the time when day saving will actually initiate.
Add / Ded. - Addition / Deduction is an instruction to the system denoted by a "+" or "-" sign, to add or deduct a break in minutes to the shifts that fall during this period.
For example - if the clock is moving backwards then we need to "+" 1 hour to the shifts in form of break.
This will be displayed as " (-) 60" on the review and validate screen while confirming shifts.
Similarly if we enter "-" here then a positive value will be displayed.
Add / Ded hours - is the number of hours the clock is moving backwards or forward.
In the above screen we have taken example of state Victoria, for which we are assuming that day light saving ends on 5th March 2017 at 3 AM.
This means an extra hour needs to be paid to the worker /member who has worked during this period.
To understand this lets take an example - see screen "A" below.
A member was booked for a night shift on Saturday the 4th of March 2017, the shift start time was 21:30 and end time was 7:30 next morning.
Member has not taken any break during this period. Now the actual hours booked are 10 hours, but system has allotted the member a
break of (-)60 minutes because his shift has become longer by 1 hour since the clock has moved 1 hour backward.
His worked are actually 11 hours instead of booked 10 hours.
Similarly, if the clock forwards 1 hour then the shift hours will get reduced a (+)60 minutes break will be applied and system will consider 9 hours of work instead of booked 10 hours.