To create a new email template please follow the below steps.

Create an Email Template Type

1. Select Masters > Email Template Type

Image Placeholder

2. Select Add New Email Template

Image Placeholder

3. Enter in
Template name - This is the internal name for the email template i.e. Online Interview reminder
Office (Optional) - If you want to have this email show for a specific office you can define it here.
From Email ID - The from email address for the template for example
User Type - This is used to define who the email template is designated for. This is important to choose the correct user type as this helps the system to limit email templates shown if they are not required for that user. I.e. Member emails do not show when contacting applicants.
Image Placeholder

Create an Email Template

1. Select Masters > Email Template Details

Image Placeholder

2. Select Add New Email Template

Image Placeholder

3. Below is a list of fields you can update with the email details
It is important that all fields marked with a red * are completed.

CC/BCC Email ID's
This field allows you to nominate additional Email ID's to receive the email.

Email Subject 
This will be the subject that appears in the receivers inbox.

Attach Files 
You can attach multiple custom files using the Choose File button.

Email Body
Here is where the body of your email is entered. You have several formatting features available and the added feature of using dynamic fields.

Email Signature
At the bottom of the email editor, you can update the email signature and image

To save changed click on the green save button.