Version 6.0, First to users on November 07, 2016

We'd also like to extend a special thank you to all the existing and new users who contributed to this release of new version of entireHR

Web applications changes:

1) Print ID Card
    Implemented for Users to Show Full Name or First Name while printing ID Cards. Default will be "First Name Only".
2) Main Master >
    Provide access to Email Template & Email Template Type Master for all Users.
3) Timesheet Cutoff >
    Date New logic to show timesheets in app past cut off date for one month.
4) Allocation >
    4.1) New Booking(MULTI) Newly Designed with Updated features and stability fixes
    4.2) Assign Search Screen 
    a) Able to filter Members by Gender as well as requested by Clients. (cultural understanding and Language are new options to come in here in next version.)
    Quick Search 
    b) Fixed issues with quick Search showing members who hadn't been before or had been before but had moved. 
    4.4) New Multi-booking feature. 
    The "new booking" option has been replaced by "Multi Booking". This is an incredibly powerful tool for doing multiple shift bookings at once that can each be edited individually or booked with different members before confirming.
    This is very useful for either booking many members at once or one member in a series of related shifts (like for a temporary job placement). Up to 50 shifts can be ordered at once with only a few clicks. Additionally, these shifts can be selected at once and edited, booked or cancelled at once by clicking on the 'select all shifts booked together' option in the allocations screen. 
5) Reports>
    5.1) Member report Export to Excel feature. Export Members report to Excel Feature Given 
    5.2) Client report Export to Excel feature. Export Client report to Excel Feature Given 
    5.3) Expiry Check report New Filter: Date of First Registration Implemented.

6) Masters>
    6.1) Zone & suburb Edit and Update Functionality in master 
    6.2) Client Software Edit and Update Functionality in master 
    6.3) Member Master (Document Setting) New option to customise the rules and emails that are sent out to external staff and Managers regarding the expiry of documents. Please note: These rules will apply to any document that has Verification = YES and Expiry date = Yes in Documents Master. 

7) Recruitment>
    7.1) Bank Allowing multiple BSB with different Account number. Now members can add Multiple Bank Accounts in Same BSB. This change is only possible in Staff Portal.
    7.2) References Incomplete Fixed this issue for when a user selects option (Save and reference Incomplete) in Recruitment. Now Staff can see those Members in Dashboard.

8) Document Storage Master >
    New feature for Staff Users to Set Default Value in Document Storage master and also link to Documents in recruitment. This will cause that document type to always load first as option for Recruiters uploading documents 

9) Recruitment Dashboard>

    9.1) Appointment Pending on Dashboard Send Email is now optional from this screen for cases where Applicant isn't successful moving forward. 
    9.2) Updates to Screen Increased the size of the notes box, added a timestamp and updated the coding to remove any applications once they have been declined. 

10)Request & Restriction >
    We have client group selection here so restrictions can be created together. Fixed all dropdown related issues, where data was not uploading due to not loading correctly 100% of time.
11) Shift Timings >
    Shifts are now shown in “Exact Time” format rather than in the type of shift “AM/PM etc., thus multiple shifts can be booked under the one AM/PM/NS long as there is 1 minute difference between them. 
12) Documents >
    The role of documents have been massively upgraded in the EntireHR system to handle 4 key goals:-
    To handle increasing compliance requirements of your clients that members must have many different sets of mandatory documents that must be produced upon request.
    To cover additional expiry date functionality required for your members - this will allow any document to be used to handle an expiry and to enforce reminders and suspensions for documents nearing expiry. 
    To assist both members and clients in exchanging information that might include site documents, client specific policy's or incident report forms.
    To reduce the reliance on physical paper needing to be retained by your company, your members and your clients

Finance module changes:
1) Confirm Shifts >

    Queried shifts time taken to populate has been improved.

2)User Authorisation >

    Show Different Levels here that correlate with Web Authorisations rather than descriptions. 

3)Timesheet Submission >

    Change Member timesheet cutoff date parameters created.
    Pending View Added Grid Filters for this page which were missing

4)Client Module >

    Fixed Showing duplicate clients in web & finance Tree structure

5) Address check in Invoices Fixed where user go to see their Invoice address then it shows blank but it is available for the client.

6) Flat Scale Obligation Allow $0 value so that user can define Obligation tables

7) Bank Allowing Multiple BSB Numbers per member for that Same bank branch with multiple accounts.

8) Split Time Shift Fixed all issues related Split Time functionality such as incorrect split starts, ends, activation's etc. 

9) Invoicing Fixed issue with crashing for both clients and internal users when doing particular invoice types.

10) Invoice Display Fixed where Billing name is not correct in case of Service Location but correct in Delivery location, fixed header, capitalisation, grammar and spacing issues.

11) Object Reference error in Client Finance screen. Fixed when user copy paste the data in the below screen & then save.

12) Current Booking Report 

    a) Allowing to user to fetch data for just one day as well.
    b) Updated all messages to correct Grammar.
    c) Data report will now show on the basis of final verified bookings or from the allocation table. 
    d) Allow all members to be shown here with any status not just ACTIVE. 

13)Search Client Screen Fixed where user was unable to see Rate table for a particular client.

14) Invoice Billing note Given space after "Note…" in Invoice Billing Optional Details

16) Daylight Saving Allowance Handling allowance differently as per client direction allowing breaks as per set applicable times.

Members App Changes (iOS and Android):

    Added the ability for members to view and upload their documents from within the app, hence minimizing the usage of members portal.
    Here are few previews of this area :
    Added automatic notification for members if client updates or add a new policy
    Added the ability for members to view and agree new client policies
    Improvements in my shifts section 
    Optimised data update functionality 
    Improved GUI
    Minor bug fixes


1) Confirm Shifts: Queried shifts time taken to populate has been improved.

2) User Authorisation: Show Different Levels here that correlate with Web Authorisations rather than descriptions.

3) Timesheet Submission Change Member timesheet cutoff date parameters created. See snap for details.

4) Client Module Fixed Showing duplicate clients in web & finance Tree structure

5) Timesheet Pending View Added Grid Filters for this page which were missing

6) Address check in Invoices Fixed where user go to see their Invoice address then it shows blank but it is available for the client.

7) Flat Scale Obligation Allow $0 value so that user can define Obligation tables.

8) Bank Allowing Multiple BSB Numbers per member for that Same bank branch with mulitple accounts.

9) Split Time Shift Fixed all issues related Split Time functionality such as incorrect split starts, ends, activations etc.

10) Invoicing Fixed issue with crashing for both clients and internal users when doing particular invoice types.

11) Invoice Display Fixed where Billing name is not correct in case of Service Location but correct in Delivery location, fixed header, capitalisation, grammar and spacing issues.

12) Object Reference error in Client Finance screen. Fixed when user copy paste the data in the below screen & then save.

13) Current Booking Report
a) Allowing to user to fetch data for just one day as well.
b) Updated all messages to correct Grammar.
c) Data report will now show on the basis of final verified bookings or from the allocation table.
d) Allow all members to be shown here with any status not just ACTIVE.

14) Search Client Screen Fixed where user was unable to see Rate table for a particular client.

15) Invoice Billing note Given space after "Note…" in Invoice Billing Optional Details

16) Daylight Saving Allowance Handling allowance differently as per client direction allowing breaks as per set applicable times.

New Cutoff Changes
3) Member Timesheet Submission Cut off parameters
(Please enter any one information)
No. of days to allow Member to Submit Timesheet from Current Date
Choose Cut Off day to allow Members to Submit timesheet for a Week
For Example: If Cut off day is MONDAY then Members will be able to submit
timesheets from the first day of last week i.e. MONDAY to Current Week
entered Cut off day.

1) Print ID Card Implemented for Users to Show Full Name or First Name while printing ID Cards. Default will be "First Name Only". Improved general layout and logo as well.

2) Main Master Provide access to Email Template & Email Template Type Master for all Users.

3) Timesheet Cut off Date New logic to show timesheets in app past cut off date for one month.

4) Allocation >New Booking(MULTI) Newly Designed with Updated features and stability fixes

5) Reports> Member report Export to Excel feature. Export Members report to Excel Feature Given

6) Reports> Client report Export to Excel feature. Export Client report to Excel Feature Given

7) Reports> Expiry Check report New Filter: Date of First Registration Implemented.

8) Master> Zone & suburb Edit and Update Funtionality in master
8.1) Client Software Edit and Update Funtionality in master

9) Client Name In release shift (Member app and Interface) Added Delivery Location Name In release shift. In the case of of a released shift with a Delivery location then shift details will also show the Delivery location as well.

10) Recruitment> References Imcomplete Fixed this issue for when a user selects option (Save and reference Incomplete) in Recruitment. Now Staff can see those Members in Dashboard.

11) Document Storage Master New feature for Staff Users to Set Default Value in Document Storage master and also link to Documents in recruitment. This will cause that document type to always load first as option for Recruiters uploading documents

12) Recruitment> Bank Allowing multiple BSB with different Account number. Now members can add Mulitple Bank Accounts in Same BSB. This change is only possible in Staff Portal.

13) Recruitment Dashboard> Appointment Pending on Dashboard Send Email is now optional from this screen for cases where Applicant isn't successful moving forward.

13.1 Updates to Screen Increased the size of the notes box, added a timestamp and updated the coding to remove any applications once they have been declined.

14) Request & Restriction We have client group selection here so restrictions can be created together. Fixed all dropdown related issues, where data was not uploading due to not loading correctly 100% of time.

15) Member Master (Document Setting) New option to customise the rules and emails that are sent out to external staff and Managers regarding the expiry of documents. Please note: These rules will apply to any document that has Verification = YES and Expiry date = Yes in Documents Master.

16) Allocations > Assign Search Screen a) Able to filter Members by Gender as well as requested by Clients. (cultural understanding and Language are new options to come in here in next version.)

Allocations > Quick Search b) Fixed issues with quick Search showing members who hadn't been before or had been before but had moved.

Version 3.0 

Tutorial Screenshots of Changes - Version 3.0 Release Notes.xlsx
To improve the efficiency and time saving features trying to make your work life easier, allowing your company to be more productive while we handle the nitty gritty for you. These include mass handling of documents and bulk document templates that can be attached to multiple levels or have numerous uses. Our new multi booking system, new app features and new expiry programs that will automatically handle numerous expiry dates.

Shift Timings
    Shifts are now shown in “Exact Time” format rather than in the type of shift “AM/PM etc., thus multiple shifts can be booked under the one AM/PM/NS long as there is 1 minute difference between them. 
Documents - 
The role of documents have been massively upgraded in the entireHR system to handle 4 key goals. 
    To handle increasing compliance requirements of your clients that members must have many different sets of mandatory documents that must be produced upon request.
    To cover additional expiry date functionality required for your members - this will allow any document to be used to handle an expiry and to enforce reminders and suspensions for documents nearing expiry. 
    To assist both members and clients in exchanging information that might include site documents, client specific policy's or incident report forms.
    To reduce the reliance on physical paper needing to be retained by your company, your members and your clients. 
For more information on the role of documents in entireHR please go Here

Allocations -
New Multi-booking feature. The "new booking" option has been replaced by "Multi Booking". This is an incredibly powerful tool for doing multiple shift bookings at once that can each be edited individually or booked with different members before confirming (see below).

This is very useful for either booking many members at once or one member in a series of related shifts (like for a temporary job placement). Up to 50 shifts can be ordered at once with only a few clicks. Additionally, these shifts can be selected at once and edited, booked or cancelled at once by clicking on the 'select all shifts booked together' option in the allocations screen. 

Member App -
Brand New Dashboard with a massive number of new options

Timesheets Upgrades
    Auto Docket Functionality has been improved, with the auto generated timesheet number now available as a Pop Up.
    Image Compression has been modified to scale up larger and more effectively for better quality more legible timesheets.
My Shift Details Screen has 3 new Icons
    Dollar Button : This will show you the value of the shift, as per standard shift rates for that client (if allowed)
    Start Button: This allows you to “Check-in” when you are close to the entered client location, and allows the bookings team to confirm your arrival with the client.
    Documents button : This will show you important documentation/instructions relevant to that specific client.