Within EntireHR there is a feature to ask questions and capture applicants responses known as Competency Questions. For further information on what this feature is please visit: What are competency questions?

To add or edit the competency questions please follow the below instructions.

1. Access Masters > Member Master > Compentencies / Interview Questions

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Depending on your system or requirements you may need to create a new category or a new question under a category. We have outlined each steps below.

To add a new category

1. Select + add new question category

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2. Add in all mandatory fields and apply any option data and select the green tick to save changes.

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Sequence No (Mandatory) - The order of the category in your applicant portal. 
Category Name (Mandatory) -  The name of the category of questions that will appear on your applicant portal
Cateogry Description - The description of the category of questions that applicants will see. 
For Industry - Selecting an industry will mean that these questions will only appear for applicants who have the same industry nominated against their profile
For Qualification - Selecting a qualification will mean that these questions will only appear for applicants who have the same qualification nominated within their profile
Hide from Applicants - This option allows you to hide the category of questions from the applicant portal and use these as an internal questionnaire form. 
Status - If active will show in Staff/Applicant portal. If Inactive it will not display in either Staff/Applicant Portal.

To add a new Question under a category

1. Select the > next to the Question Category you wish to add a question to.

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2. Select the Add + icon to create a new category question

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3. Add the question description

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4. Select a question type

Short Type -  Designed to be used for open ended questions where the applicant has a maximum of 500 characters to response

Multiple Choice - Designed to be used for questions where you would like to nominate multiple choices that the applicant chooses from

Yes/No - Designed to be used for questions where the applicant can only answer Yes or No to.

This will automatically populate the different settings to apply depending on the question type selected.

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5. Select the Green tick to save once you have updated all of the question fields.

If you have chosen the Multiple Choice option there is an additional step to nominate your response options. First save the question Type and then follow the below instructions.

To add in response options select the > next to the question.
This is very similar to creating the question under the category.

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Once expanded select the Add + icon to add options 

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Please note a question type cannot be changed after it has been saved. If there is a question that you would like to change the response type you will need to inactivate the original and create a new question.